Wezesha Binti

Wezesha Binti

Wezesha Binti
Financed by Belgium
Stage Ongoing
Start date 1 julio 2023
End date 30 junio 2028
Budget 20 765 500.00 €
Code TZA22003
Short name Wezesha Binti

Project description

Wezesha Binti is a bilateral cooperation program with a €25 million budget, running from 2023 to 2027, under the theme "From School to Decent Work." The program exemplifies Enabel’s commitment to advancing gender equality and youth empowerment, particularly for young women in the Kigoma region of western Tanzania. 

General Objective 

To empower young people, especially young women, by fostering protective and gender-equal environments where they can access education, acquire skills, and pursue decent work opportunities. The program is implemented in five districts of Kigoma: Kibondo, Kasulu Rural, Kasulu Urban, Kigoma Rural, and Kigoma Urban. It takes a comprehensive approach to addressing both systemic and cultural barriers that limit educational and economic opportunities for young women and youth. 

Specific Objective

To empower girls, young women, and vulnerable boys aged 14 to 29 in the targeted districts by providing multiple learning pathways that lead to decent, greener employment and entrepreneurship opportunities. 

Strategic Result Domains 

1.Quality Secondary Education for Girls and Vulnerable Boys 

The program prioritizes access to and completion of quality secondary education and training for girls, young women, and vulnerable boys aged 14–19. It focuses on: 
  • Addressing both supply-side and demand-side barriers to education. 
  • Creating safer and more inclusive school environments. 
  • Improving the quality of education through teacher training, curriculum enhancement, and student support services. 
  • Supporting out-of-school youth and those at risk of dropping out. 

2.Skills Development and Economic Empowerment 

This component equips youth with relevant skills and knowledge to improve their employability and entrepreneurial potential. Key areas include: 
  • Cognitive, digital, vocational, entrepreneurial, and life skills training. 
  • Supporting business development and youth entrepreneurship. 
  • Facilitating school-to-work transitions through career guidance and employment services.

3. A Protective and Gender-Equal Environment 

The program tackles harmful cultural norms and structural barriers that hinder the educational and economic advancement of young women and girls by: 
  • Promoting gender equality through advocacy and awareness campaigns. 
  • Creating safe and supportive environments in families, communities, schools, and workplaces. 
  • Strengthening institutional frameworks to ensure long-term social and economic inclusion for young women. 


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